

The Faculty of Naval Electromechanics left the “Mircea cel Bătrân” Maritime Institute, which was under the Ministry of National Defense, for the Ministry of Education as part of Merchant Marine Institute, founded by Government Decision on 6 February 1990.

The period of study was 5 years and the graduates got a diploma as electromechanic or electrotechnic engineer, as well as maritime officer certificate in their specialization. Beginning with 1997, the staff of the Faculty of Naval Electromechanics introduced post academic courses: advanced studies ‘Advanced  systems of operation in naval transports’, ‘Engineering of naval electromechanic systems’ and master studies.

To the traditional specializations: Naval Electrotechnics and General Electromechanics, two research centers were added: Research center in Naval Mechanics Engineering and Research center in Electric Engineering.

In 2005 new specializations were temporary authorized: ‘Engineering and Environment Protection in Industry’ and ’Technologies and Systems of Telecommunications’. The teaching staff belonged to two chairs: Chair of Electrotechnics, Electronics and Informatics and Chair of Mechanical Engineering.

Beginning with the academic year 2008-2009, in order to improve educational activities, the teaching staff was organized under 6 departments specific to each competence area: Department of Mechanic Equipment, Department of General Technical Disciplines, Department of Environment, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Department of Automation and Applied Informatics and Department of Electrotechnics.
