ECDIS – TRANSAS Type-Specific
The overall aim of the ECDIS Course is train students, deck officers and other interested personnel in the safe and efficient use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems – ECDIS. The ECDIS – TRANSAS Type-Specific provides the trainees with the required knowledge about the general use of ECDIS as well as detailed introduction of the TRANSAS system’s functionalities.
Course objective
On completion of the ECDIS – TRANSAS Type-Specific course, the trainees are expected to be able to:
- demonstrate competencies in the operation of ECDIS – TRANSAS equipment;
- demonstrate the understanding of the TRANSAS equipment, and especially the limitations in its use in navigation and decision-making process;
- understand the basic functions of the equipment (route planning, monitoring, operation, correction of charts, etc.);
- evaluate and respond to alarms of navigation equipment and effectively apply the recommended procedures for each situation.
- demonstrate knowledge to order and install charts licenses and updates.
The training is consistent with the objectives of Code Sections A-II/1, A-II/2, B-I/12, B-VIII/2-3.1 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers,1978 as amended.
Target group
The course is designed for candidates who have completed ECDIS generic training and now require TRANSAS specific training. It has been designed for officers in charge of a navigational watch, for experienced officers and other persons with navigational responsibilities.
Application process starts with the
application form sent via e-mail to: Applicants would be confirmed and coordinated by the Course Coordinator.
Course Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nicoleta ACOMI, Mobile: +40 721 287 877