Acasa / Outgoing Staff

Outgoing Staff

In an era when Romanian Maritime Higher Education Institutions and Europe are experiencing the challenges of an internationally competitive Higher Education market, having the opportunity to understand how other European HEI manage their students’ learning experience, and particularly their career profiles, is of paramount importance for Constanta Maritime University.

We encourage our staff to visit partner institutions and participate in teaching and training mobility. Returning staff frequently comment that Erasmus+ has been a valuable experience and provided them with opportunities to network across Europe, gain new insights into teaching and learning, and to keep abreast of developments in their subject.

Academic and non-academic staff members from all grades who are employed by Constanta Maritime University can apply for an exchange within the European Union, funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme.

For academic staff this can include teaching at a partner university and /or a Training exchange if they plan to take part in a job shadow, etc. as opposed to teaching.

For non-academic and professional services staff this can include job shadowing, taking part in a University’s international week or training events to share best practice.

To accomplish such objectives, the University must have a valid Inter-institutional Agreement in place. (Please see here for a current list of Erasmus+ Agreements).  That also serves as an opportunity to build the academic and non-academic staff members’ professional network and establish important links to raise the profile of the University.
