Acasa / Erasmus+ / ERASMUS MOBILITY



Prof. Angelica M. Baylon, from Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific Visiting Constanta Maritime University

22 to 29 of May 2023

We are proud to organize one week of #Erasmus teaching mobility at Constanta Maritime University with Prof. Angelica M. Baylon, PhD, AFNI, IMAREST, Director for External Relations at Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific.

Through attractive and engaging lessons, Prof. Angelica M. Baylon shared with our students knowledge on the subjects of Maritime Management, Logistics, Transport, Change Management Models, Mental Health Programs. Participants got insights in influencing change in the maritime sector and became more confident and open to apply for study and placement mobility.

With this Erasmus mobility, we reinforced further the strong cooperation between our institutions. We are thankful to Prof. Angelica M. Baylon for visiting our University and as a way forward: CMU and MAAP are committed to continue physical and online teaching activities.

Click here to see the full report of Prof. Angelica M. Baylon

Ekaterina Masetkina, the Chair of SelmaMeyerMentoring EUMENT-NET special guest during virtual seminar

8 March 2023

We successfully transformed the day of 8th of March in a special day dedicated to mentoring women! With the support of the #Erasmus program, Constanta Maritime University organized an online event for exchanging knowledge and experience in mentoring women.

The special guest of the event was Ekaterina Masetkina, SelmaMeyerMentoring EUMENT-NET Chair, who shared best practices on the implementation of mentoring programs in several European institutions. Taking advantages of the improved experience gathered upon the Erasmus mobility visit at the University of Düsseldorf, Cristina Dragomir moderated the event and facilitated the attendance of an impressive audience.

Among the participants, we are glad to mention specialists in diversity and gender equality from universities in Romania, Germany, Turkey and the Philippines, UEFISCDI and the Ministry of Education.

Prof. Dr-habil. Razvan TAMAS, from Constanta Maritime University Visiting the University of Rennes, France

28 noiembrie – 3 decembrie 2022

A successful Erasmus+ mobility at the University of Rennes, France. Prof. dr-habil. Razvan TAMAS, Assoc. prof. dr. Alin DANISOR, and Assoc. prof. dr. Mirel PAUN taught to Master of Science and Ph.D. students Measuring techniques for radiating system, Underwater communication and localization systems, and Embedded systems for waterborne applications. We have got a great feedback from students, professors, and M.Sc. program coordinators. Student exchanges will begin in a few months. Next step: a joint M.Sc. program with two other EU countries.

Intensive programmes for higher education learners, Constanta Maritime University students visiting University of Aegean

4-8 April 2022

Within the Erasmus+ Strategic partnership project ISolMet, Constanta Maritime University facilitated the participation of five students in an intensive programme dedicated to soft skills improvement.

The main goal of the Intensive program was to implement the developed Maritime courses for soft skills. Participants tested and analysed alternative teaching methods and styles in order to conclude to the most efficient ones per case. Our students assessed through pre-defined questionnaires the quality and effectiveness of the courses thus having a first evaluation of the material from the actual users. At the same time each student performed a pre and post evaluation of their personal skills and competences, in order to “measure” how specific courses have helped students to better perceive the nature of their future occupation and further if they feel to have improve some of their skills (which and in what degree).

“The experience we had in Chios is a great example of how great but also how interactive case studies can be.”, Iarina Maria SPINU

“The amount of useful information which was gathered in that week cannot be compared to anything I have taken part in. Even today, I am still using what we’ve been so amazingly taught!”, Gabriel Andrei DOROFTEI


Train the trainers, Constanta Maritime University staff visiting Naval Academy from Varna, Bulgaria

29-31 March 2022

Using case studies and simulations in teaching is highly engaging and motivating. The case method bridges theory to practice, and promotes the development of skills including: communication, active listening, critical thinking and decision-making skills. In addition, by using the case study method, the participants apply theoretical knowledge, analyze and reflect on various approaches to make sense of a case. Two participants from Constanta Maritime University: Assoc Prof Dr Anca Sirbu and Liminita Stan took part in the short term teaching event kindly hosted by Naval Academy from Varna and piloted different types of teaching methods for using cases in classroom. Within an Erasmus+ consortium, they tested problem-based learning, discussion, debate, intimate debate, public hearing, trial, jigsaw, and role-play methods. Among the high quality achievements: The art of formulating Opening questions, Anchor questions as well as specific questions for Description, Analysis and Prescription.

Prof. Ala Sharaiha, from University of Rennes Visiting Constanta Maritime University

30 aprilie – 9 mai 2022

Este cel de-al treilea an consecutiv în care studenţii programului de masterat de cercetare Circuite şi Sisteme Integrate de Comunicaţii şi studenţii programului de licenţă Tehnologii şi Sisteme de Telecomunicaţii beneficiază, în cadrul programului european Erasmus+, de cursuri în domeniul tehnicii frecvenţelor foarte înalte ţinute de Prof. Ala Sharaiha de la Universitatea din Rennes 1, reprezentatul Franţei la Asociaţia Europeană de Antene şi Propagare (EurAAP).

This is the third year when our MSc students in Circuits and Integrated Systems for Communications, and our BSc students in Technology and Systems for Telecommunications benefit from Erasmus+ lectures in Radiofrequency technology given by Prof. Ala Sharaiha from University of Rennes 1, the French delegate at the European Association of Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
