Comunicat de presa “Multiplier Event”
Mobilitati Grecia
Mobilitate Bulgaria

Project meeting in Romania, 16-17 March 2022
On the 16-17th of March 2022, the third transnational project meeting of Mine EMI project took place at the headquarters of the Constanta Maritime University.
MINE EMI project meeting brought together representatives of all project partners to establish future directions for project implementation.
This meeting aim at evaluating of the progress done so far and at determining the next steps regarding the implementation.
During this project meeting, partners discussed about the current stage of implementation of the project but also about our future actions. Course leaders summarized the topics of the courses developed and presented the assessment tools which will be used for evaluation of learning outcomes. Among these: Multiple choice questions, simulation scenarios, project presentation (rubric assessment) and group projects were proposed.
In a great extent, the meeting addressed opportunities of integration of simulations in course delivering and assessment.
MINE-EMI Stakeholders conference, 18-19 March 2022
Stakeholders conference was organized on the 18-19th of March 2022 at the headquarters of the Constanta Maritime University and Hotel Continental Forum Constanta.
Focus group
The event started in the morning at the university headquarters with a presentation of the scope of the project, followed by discussions on the needs of continuous updating of the curricula on the below topics:
- Updating STCW with skills required for maritime digital leadership
- How stringent is the need to adapt MET beyond traditional leadership?
- Which are the training methods for maritime digital leadership?
All topics were widely discussed by the guests. Their questions and answers created a constructive and meaningful discussion about STCW, about fuel calculation programs, digital leadership, risk assessment- human life in danger and many other current topics.
Our collaborators from Bulgaria, Turkey and Romanian brought valuable input to the modern maritime education curricula.
The second part of the conference took place at the hotel Continental Forum Constanta. The conference was opened by the Dean of Faculty of Navigation Prof Dr. Costel Stanca. During the meeting the discussions moderated by Lecturer Dr. Andreea Jenaru and Assoc Prof Dr Nicoleta Acomi. The topics that guided the discussions were:
- Recruitment trends in the maritime workplace (port, maritime sector, logistic, port operation)
- New recruitment trends involve new technologies/ software/ digitalization. What type of digitalization occurred within the last period in your working environment? (in maritime transport/ logistic/ ports operations/ etc)
- Professions that involve the use of new technologies. New skills in demand in this context
- How the perfect employees educational background / profile looks like?
- What advice would give to new graduates for a successful career?
Free discussions were organized between the participants and future conclusions and trends were settle, so necessary for the good implementation of our project but also for maritime education.
The last day of the conference was organized at the university headquarters in the format of the Erasmus Project Gala. The poster exhibition was opened for the entire month and it represented the attraction point for many visitors.
The Stakeholders conference ended with a tour of the modern navigation simulators, fruitful discussions about digitalization, raising awareness on emerging maritime issues and promoting sustainable management of the maritime sector.
Erasmus Project partners visiting Constanta Maritime University and Erasmus Project exhibition
Agenda – Stakeholders Conference
Training course in Turkey, 22-26 November 2021
During 22-26 November 2021, the first student mobility planned for the MINE-EMI project took place with the participation of students from the maritime universities of Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Greece. The event was hosted by Piri Reis University – Istanbul/Turkey and the learning activities were delivered by Professors from partner universities.
In the event, firstly, the participating students were informed about the purpose and current status of the project, and in the next phase, some courses selected from the Master’s Program were given face-to-face and in a virtual environment. At the end of the application, the opinions and recommendations of the participating graduate students were taken with survey and interviews. The feedback received from the participants will be taken into account in the development of the Master’s Program, and the improved version of the program will be tested with further student mobility events in the following phases.
Virtual Workshop for the development of simulation modules , 27 October 2021
A virtual workshop was held on the 27th of October 2021, online via ZOOM for elaboration simulation modules, assessment and quality assurance. The workshop aim at evaluating of the progress done so far and at determining the next steps regarding assessment methodologies for MINE-EMI JMPs. During the workshop, all partners delivered presentations of the results of their research. Presentations concerned the ways, means and methods used by various education and training establishments as well as from own institution, for evaluation of learning outcomes. The 16 best practices for assessment of learning outcomes were presented by partners and there were comments and suggestions regarding which type of assessment is appropriate for the courses developed. During the next stage, proposals for assessment will be received from partners. The workshop contributed to a common understanding of the assessment methods.
The 3rd “Transnational Project Meeting and International Stakeholder’s Conference” of the Mine-Emi Project, 25 February 2021
А Multiplier Event of the Maritime Innovative Network of Education for Emerging Maritime Issues (MINE-EMI) Project, organised by Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Varna – Bulgaria), was held though MS Teams on Thursday 25 February from 13:30 to 16:00 (EET).
The multiplier event focued, among others, on green ports, multimodal transport, blue growth in the Adriatic-Ionian region, soft skills in shipping, and digitalisation.
Project focused on elaboration of a Joint Master Programme (JMPs) that facilitates developing skills and competences to raise awareness on emerging maritime issues in the wider Black Sea region in order to promote sustainable management of the maritime sector in the region.
The project is coordinated by Piri Reis University (Turkey) and involves Constanta Maritime University (Romania); Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy (Bulgaria), University of the Aegean (Greece), Marine Cluster Bulgaria, Municipality of Piraeus (Greece) and CPMR (France)
Representatives of Constanta Maritime Universities delivered three presentations related to the emerging maritime issues and methodologies for online education:
- Lecturer Dr Anastasia Duse – Automation and Maritime Cyber Security
- Assoc Prof Dr Cristina Dragomir – Multimodal Transport Operation
- Assoc Prof Dr Nicoleta Acomi – Development of Effective Online Courses Using Instructional Design Models, as resulted from DIGCIT Erasmus+ project
International Partners Meeting and Stakeholder’s Conference, 25-26 November 2020
The 2nd “International Partners Meeting and Stakeholder’s Conference”, which are planned to be held within the framework of the general flow of the project, was carried out on 25-26 November 2020 with the participation of the representatives and officials of the institutions involved in the project, as well as the representatives of the maritime institutions and organizations, and graduate students in virtual environment with the arrangement of Aegean University of Greece. In the conference with more than 80 participants, information was given about the stages carried out so far within the scope of the project and the feedbacks of representatives and graduate students from different areas of the maritime sector were received.
A virtual conference within the context of the ‘’Transnational Project Meeting and International Stakeholder’s Conference’’ was held on May 14th, 2020 to discuss research findings and consult stakeholders. The conference was attended by around 50 participants from project partners, BSAMI (Black Sea Association of maritime Universities) members and stakeholders from respective countries.
The project implementation is based on the progressive model, including preparatory activities, development, testing and finalization of JMPs. In the development phase, educational material will be elaborated, collected, evaluated and selected, satisfying the criteria set by the stakeholders. Therefore, the partnership is consulting with stakeholders at every opportunity and involved them in the virtual conference as well.
In the meeting, the results of the survey carried out in order to determine the needs of the maritime sector and detailed analysis of the existing maritime management master’s degree programs in the partner countries were presented and discussed in depth. The partnership has established core working groups to determine the framework and main principles of JMP. The results of the survey and benchmarking will be posted on the project web page for the contributions of respected parties.
New Erasmus + Strategic Partnership Project MINE-EMI will try to bring new solutions on the emerging maritime issues to ensure sustainable development of maritime transportation for efficient and effective use of oceans.
The maritime industry is one of the most dynamic economic sectors due to the constant changes in its development needs. It is also closely linked to the changes in Marine Sciences and IT Technologies. Consequently, education and training in marine sciences have to follow the industry’s trends closely in order to keep pace with the new competencies required by the development of maritime transportation technologies.
Project MINE-EMI is focused at elaboration of Joint Master Program (JMPs) that facilitate developing skills and competences to raise awareness on emerging maritime issues in order to promote sustainable management of the maritime sector. It focuses on the Black Sea basin and involves representatives from the business sector and local administrations in order to fill the gap between the requirements in the maritime sector (management of marine areas, transport operations, logistics) and the current lacking of updated courses in that matter.
The partners involved in the project are:
- Piri Reis University – Lead Partner, PRU (Turkey)
- Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions, CPMR (EU)
- Constanta Maritime University, CMU (Romania)
- Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, NVNA (Bulgaria)
- The University of the Aegean, UAEGEAN (Greece)
- Marine Cluster Bulgaria, MCB (Bulgaria)
- Municipality of Piraeus, MP (Greece)
The project implementation is based on the progressive model, including preparatory activities, development, testing and finalization of JMPs. In the development phase, educational material will be elaborated, collected, evaluated and selected, satisfying the criteria set by the stakeholders. While PRU, NVNA, and UAEGEAN will work on the theoretical part of the teaching materials, CMU will mainly work on the practical side, creating scenarios for maritime simulators on the specific topics of the subject. Both parts will be developed in a coordinated way in order to synchronize all the elements.
PRU will lead the integration of the developed modules in the JMPs. The lead partner will develop JMPs course catalog together with the partner Higher Education Institutes for better adaptation to institutions specificities and offer the courses outside the partnership framework. The produced material will be tested and evaluated during mobility events. MCB and MP will provide test-beds. The feedback received will be then used to finalize the courses.
The project aims to achieve efficient, safe, secure and environmentally tackling the maritime issues, through:
– promotion of the quality of education and training in the Maritime Education and Training (MET) sector to address the specific maritime challenges and prepare the future managers and experts applying innovative methods, practical oriented approach and e-learning model;
– facilitation of the mobility for students and teachers, involving educational and training institutions that wish to contribute to overcoming these challenges
– cooperation between MET organizations and industry in the field of education and training for managing the issues in the maritime sector for upgrading competencies and adapting to the requirements of the maritime industry.
The successful implementation of the Project will provide the consolidation of the efforts of the maritime institutions especially in the Black Sea region to contribute to the sustainable development through implementation of blue growth, greening transport, maritime spatial planning policies and common maritime basins strategies.
The initial research phase of the project has started as of September 2019. The kick-off meeting and the first stakeholder’s conference (multiplier event) will take place at PRU Facilities in Tuzla/Istanbul in the third week of January 2020 (exact days TBC). All involved parties are welcome to attend the conference.
All project activities and outcomes will be open to the public and will be disseminated to all stakeholders through the project web page, social media, newsletters, seminars, and conferences. JMP will be available to any interested individual either under the Erasmus Charter scheme or through special enrolment for students from other countries.
“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”
MINE-EMI Press Release 2 CMU
MINE-EMI Erasmus project in photos