- Project No. 619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
- «New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems» (GEOCLIC)
- CBHE project-Capacity Buiding in the field of Higher Education
- The strategic goal:improve the caspian ecosystem
- The main goal:training of specialists in the field of ecology, coastal enginering and management
- Activities:training of the the teachers, innovative curricula, creation of GEOLAB and GEOCOF, pilot teaching, curricula accreditation
- Responsability:all involved institutions (17) have the joint responsability for the project implementation and grant using.
PRESE RELEASE Retraining Program for academic teachers PRESS RELEASE
- Universities Partners:
- University of Twente, Enschede (Netherlands)
- Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
- Maritime University of Constanta (Romania)
- EXOLAUNCH GmbH Berlin (Germany)
- Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
- National Aviation Academy, Baku (Azerbaijan)
- Azerbaijan State University of Architecture and Construction, Baku (Azerbaijan)
- Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan)
- Sh. Yessenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering, Aktau (Kazakhstan)
- Atyrau Oil and Gas University”Safi Utebayev”, Atyrau (Kazakhstan)
- Turkmen Agricultural University “S.A. Niyazo”, Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)
- Magtymguly Turkmen State University, Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)
- International University for the Humanities and Development, Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)
- N/A Partners:
- International Ecoenergy Academy, Baku (Azerbaijan)
- PLC “Institute of Geography” of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazahstan)
CMU Operational training WWTP
Summer School 21-25 August 2023 Berlin, Germania
Summer school and training on TUB in 21-26 August, 2023, Berlin, Germania
Invitation GEOCLIC Summer School Program Berlin 2023
Master Classes in new curricula-2023
Pilot teaching /operation of new labs
Full media coverage of the project activities inclusive of developing and maintenance of WEB platform
19 WP Oilrec
Patrol 16 WP SAR
Patrol 24 WP SAR
Retraining Program for academic teachers
“The retraining program is addressed to university teaching staff and has as its main purpose the adoption and accreditation of new bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate programs and modules, in a learning environment that takes into account geospatial technologies, remote sensing and data processing applied in the field of environmental safety, in coastal ecosystems and in the new profile laboratories within the partner universities (GEOLAB and CVE)”, said the project manager, Panaitescu Mariana, Prof. Dr. Eng. Constanta maritime University.
Agenda 4-11 September 2022 Retraining open ceremony Visit to the work points in the Dobrogea Watershed Constanta travelig Info
The main goal of the project is to modernize and internationalize training in the field of monitoring and environmental protection of coastal ecosystems using new geospatial technologies, big data and remote sensing, at the undergraduate / graduate / doctoral levels in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan through innovative three-level curricula that meet market requirements and best practices. The lack of specialists with the competencies and skills to understand, transform and interpret satellite and ground-based data to make decisions related to environmental protection and the lack of specialists in the field of ecology, management and engineering of the coastal zone affects the economic development of the Caspian Sea region. The lack of programs and equipment for analyzing coastal dynamics using satellite imagery and remote sensing affects the competencies and skills of graduates and specialists in geospatial engineering.
ON-LINE KICK-OFF MEETING of the project No. 619011-EPP-1-2020-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
«New Courses in Geospatial Engineering for Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Ecosystems» (GEOCLIC)
Date: 17.03.2021
Time: 02:00 PM Almaty (09:00 AM Berlin, Enschede; 10:00 AM Vilnius, Constanta; 12:00 PM Baku; 01:00 PM Ashgabat)
The strategic goal: improve the Caspian ecosystem
The main goal: training of specialists in the field of ecology, coastal engineering and management
Activities: training of the teachers; innovative curricula; creation of GEOLAB and GEOCOF; pilot teaching; curricula accreditation
Responsibility: all involved institutions (17) have the joint responsibility for the project implementation and grant using
The expected project results:
- New/updated Bachelor’s/Master’s/PhD course in Geospatial Technologies and Environmental monitoring of coastal ecosystems
- GEOLAB and CVE as a modern learning environment for functions
- Retrained academic teachers
- Master classes and pilot training on new/updated curricula in GEOLAB and CVE
- 5. Refreshing courses within GEOCOF
Consortium GEOCLIC (17 Partners):
Program Countries | Partner Countries |
Germany – 2 (P3, P6) | Kazakhstan – 3+1 (P1, P11, P12 + P17) |
Romania – 1 (P5) | Azerbaijan – 4+1 (P7, P8, P9, P10 + P16) |
Lithuania – 1 (P4) | Turkmenistan – 3 (P13, P14, P15) |
Netherland – 1 (P2) |
Time | Events |
14:00 – 14:03 | Welcome speech – Project Manager of National Erasmus+ Office in Kazakhstan (NEO): Aigul Myltykbayeva |
14:03 – 14:06 | Welcome speech – Director of International Cooperation Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University: Aizhan Smailova |
14:06 – 14:10 | Welcome speech – prof. of Chemical Department of al-Farabi Kazakh National University: Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev |
14:10 – 14:20 | PROJECT PRESENTATION – Coordinator, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, KazNU; Almaty; KZ (Р1): Zaure Rakisheva |
Presentation of European Partners about their role, their key activities and responsibilities in the project | |
14:20 – 14:26 | Technische Uiversiät Berlin, TUB; Berlin; DE (Р3): Dmitriy Ostroverkhov |
14:26 – 14:32 | EXOLAUNCH GmbH, EXO; Berlin; DE (Р6): Svetlana Jasic |
14:32 – 14:38 | University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, UT-ITC; Enschede; NL (Р2): Suhyb Salama |
14:38 – 14:44 | Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, VGTU; Vilnius; LT (Р4): Edita Baltrėnaitė-Gedienė |
14:44 – 14:50 | Maritime University of Constanta, CMU; Constanta; ROU (Р5): Mariana Panaitescu |
Presentation of partner countries about their role, their key activities and
responsibilities in the project |
14:50 – 14:56 | Magtymguly Turkmen State University, TSU; Ashgabat; TM (Р14): Sheker Ashyrmyradova |
14:56 – 15:02 | Baku State University, BSUA; Baku; AZ (Р7): Aytan Meherremova |
15:02 – 15:08 | Azerbaijan National Aviation Academy, NAA; Baku; AZ (Р8): Sona Guliyeva |
15:08 – 15:14 | Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, AzUAC; Baku; AZ (Р9): Farhad Aliyev |
15:14 – 15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30 – 15:36 | Mingachevir State University, MSU; Mingachevir; AZ (Р10): Uzeyir Zeynalov (Samira Ahmadova) |
15:36 – 15:42 | Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yessenov, CSUTE; Aktau; KZ (Р11): Sembigali Zakenov |
15:42 – 15:48 | Atyrau oil and gas university named after Safi Utebayev, S. Utebayev AOGU; Atyrau; KZ (Р12): Assylbek Kanbetov |
15:48 – 15:54 | Turkmen Agriculture University named after S.A.Niyazov, TAU; Ashgabat; TM (Р13): Orazmuhammet Durdyyev |
15:54 – 16:00 | International University for the Humanities and Development, IUHD; Ashgabat, TM (Р15): Maral Meredova |
16:00 – 16:06 | International Ecoenergy Academy, IEEA; Baku; AZ (Р16): Nurana Zohrabbayli |
16:06 – 16:12 | PLC “Institute of Geography” of the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PLC “Institute of Geography”, Almaty, KZ (Р17): Ainagul Abitbayeva (Adilet Valeyev) |
16:12 – 16:30 | Discussion of the project plan implementation |
The online meeting was attended by: Adil Mukhamedgali, Adilet Valeyev, Aigerim Sakhayeva, Aizhan Smailova, Aizhan Asylbekova, Ainagul Abitbayeva, Assylbek Kanbetov, Ayna Mametsaliyeva, Aytaj Badalova, Daniela Juganaru, Aytan Meherremova, Dmirtiy Ostroverkhov, Edita Baltrenaite-Gediene, Faqan Aliyeva, Ferhad Aliyev, Georgiana Buzu, Khagani Abdullayev, Knul Shirinova, Maral Meredova, Mariana Panaitescu, Mukhambetkali Burkitbayev, Nurana Gurbani, Orazmukhammed Durdyyev, Omirzhan Taukebayev, Sachli Ganiyeva AzUAC, Suhyb Salama, Samira Ahmadova, Sembigali Zakenov, Sheker Ashyrmyradova, Sona Guliyeva, Svetlana Jasic, Uzeyir Zeynalov, Viorel Panaitescu, Voicu Ionut, Vugar Mustafayev, Xosiyt Ismatova, Yashar Omarli, Zaure Rakisheva, Huseynova, Makpal Nogaibayeva, Nursultan Doszhan, Team from AOGU with Bolatzhan Kumalakov, Almagul Turdagaliyeva and others.