Internationalization is an essential vector in enhancing the quality of higher education. By its very nature Constanta Maritime University has a strong international feature. The maritime field is a strictly regulated one. Along with the regulations imposed by the Ministry of National Education through the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) the university must adopt and implement the international standards set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Romanian Naval Authority. These create the regulatory framework of the global maritime industry in terms of navigation safety and protection of the marine environment. Given the above, the teaching curricula comply with the academic norms, the provisions of STCW 78/95 Code, the amendments of the Manila Convention and IMO Model Course 7.03 and 7.04.
Research and scientific cooperation play an important part in internationalization. CMU is active member of two major international networks, with high potential for students and teachers mobility and joint research programmes: The International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) and the Black Sea Association of Maritime Institutions (BSAMI). The university is committed to maintain and strengthen the cooperation with these network partners.
CMU is an active member of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), which comprises 57 worldwide institutions. IAMU is the most authorized voice to promote a quality higher education and the standardization of the teaching curricula and the graduates’ certification procedure at international level. During 2012-2013 Constanta Maritime University has ensured the presidency of this prestigious association through its Vice-Rector for International Relations and Institutional Development, Prof. Cornel Panait, Ph.D. In October 2013 CMU hosted the 14th Annual General Assembly of IAMU, whose theme was “New Technological Alternatives for Enhancing Economic Efficiency”. The event gathered more than 100 participants from over 40 institutions.
In April 2010 CMU has established the Black Sea Association of Maritime Institutions (BSAMI) along with other five higher education institutions from the Black Sea basin: Istanbul Technical University Maritime Faculty, Nikola Y. Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Admiral Ushakov Maritime State University, Batumi State Maritime Academy and Odesa National Maritime Academy. BSAMI strives to be an innovating and proactive actor in the Black Sea region and to ensure the proper training and competences necessary for the human resource to face the competitiveness on the international labor market.
One of CMU’s constant endeavors is to ensure onboard training to as many students as possible. To this purpose, Constanta Maritime University has joined the Global On-Board Training Center (GOBTC), which aims to identify and use all cooperation opportunities in order to ensure seagoing traineeship to its cadets.
The multucultural feature is strong and very much present. The university trains officers and engineers who will work in the international fleet, in mixed teams and in a multicultural environment.