Archive by category "Fără categorie" (Page 2)

Fără categorie

The Business College of Athens offers a Master’s degree program in International Shipping Management

The Master’s program is dedicated to professionals and students alike. Drawing knowledge, skills and experience from one of the world’s most significant maritime clusters, the Piraeus cluster in Greece, BCA developed this Master’s degree program targeting deck officers and maritime professionals wishing to expand their managerial skills in the fascinating world of shipping. The tuition fee is 7...
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Practical laboratory of Marine Meteorology onboard the Greenpeace flagship

Practical laboratory of Marine Meteorology onboard the Greenpeace flagship A laboratory of Marine Meteorology from this second semester was held onboard the Greenpeace flagship and was conducted by Associate Professor Dr. Brindusa Chiotoroiu. The Rainbow Warrior was anchored at the Black Sea port of Constanta, the first stop in a tour that aims to promote clean energy solutions. The ...
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EVSW press release CMU

CMU - Connected to the Needs of the Maritime Industry, organised as part of the European Vocational Skills Week The European Vocational Skills Week, 5-9 December 2016, is organised by the European Commission under the motto "Discover your talent!”. In a changing and more competitive job market, quality vocational education and training (VET) delivers specific skills and knowledge for the jobs of ...
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